Top Listing Agent Tools: Boost Your Selling Power

Photo of one person handing home keys to another over a desk.

Top listing agents often have a few traits in common: they’re excellent communicators, negotiators, and networkers. They’re also creative marketers. 

Marketing a home well can make or break buyer interest. When listing agents market a property creatively, they help it stand out from the crowd—quickly generating intrigue and (hopefully) a sale. 

The best real estate agents leverage professional tools that support their marketing efforts and help them keep their client and colleague communications flowing. Here’s everything you need to know about top listing agent tools, why they’re important to driving success, and how to maximize them.

A standout website

Not all new leads come to a realtor through word-of-mouth referrals or networking. Leads are generated online, too: clients search for agents and properties and, ultimately, land on a real estate business’s website. So, you want yours to look flawless, function perfectly, and provide a wealth of useful information. 

Excellent real estate websites should be simple to use, contain crisp professional photos and videos, and highlight your skills, awards, and testimonials. Share impressive listing agent stats, like your above-average sell-through-rate). The site should also make contacting you as easy as possible. Put your contact information front and center or have a contact form, encouraging potential clients to take that first step. 

You might also consider writing blog pieces about the market and other useful tips for buyers, establishing yourself as a real estate industry knowledge authority. If you do start a blog, you’ll want to acquire an SEO tool, which helps with content creation ideas and optimization. Essentially, these platforms guide you toward using the right keywords in your pieces or writing on topics that’ll attract readers. SEO-optimized pieces are easier for online searchers to find, and these targeted articles satiate reader’s queries.

Social media marketing

Let’s face it: In this era, many people turn to social media to learn about pretty much everything—including professional services. According to Sprout Social, 80% of weekly social media users have discovered a new brand on these platforms. And Forbes reports that 77% use social media as part of their digital marketing strategy to connect with consumers. It’s wise to get your business on this fast-moving train. 

Use social media to feature properties, receive messages and inquiries from potential buyers, and network with other real estate professionals. You can also talk up your services, posting testimonials and updates on career highlights. Try to keep whatever you post consistent aesthetically—always in line with your overall company image and brand guidelines (if you have them).

Photo of a laptop with the Facebook ads page up on a desk with a camera next to it.

An email marketing tool

Staying in touch with leads and past clients can get daunting as your contact list grows. But with an email marketing tool, you can automate some interactions—staying top of mind with your contact base without investing as much time as you would by sending out emails one by one. 

Engage your audience with email newsletters that show featured listings and automate contact sequences like thank-yous or welcome notes. Use aesthetically pleasing, customizable templates to send out information on new hot listings, neighborhoods, and the local market—useful data that’ll make recipients eager to open emails and read on. 

Customer relationship manager (CRM

Customer relationship management tools (CRMs) also help top real estate agents streamline their work. Get a user-friendly platform that’ll manage your pipeline, tracking lead activity from the day a potential client reaches out to the moment you successfully help them close on their home.

You’ll always know where you are in the workflow with each client, staying on top of tasks, paperwork, and follow-up. And if you work in a team, having a CRM isn’t just beneficial, it’s nearly essential: Everyone stays in the know since all can share information on this platform and look up data as needed. Speaking of data, your CRM software will track it, meaning that you’ll have excellent sales history and forecasting insights.

Plus, with inter-app integrations, you can import new contacts from your CRM to your email marketing tool (or you can even use a platform that has both functions) so that all leads enter your messaging cadence. 

Other quick tips to boost your selling power 

Take your real estate marketing and outreach a step further with the following quick tips for fostering interest and sales.

Get good-looking signs 

There are many ways to promote properties online, but that doesn’t mean you should eliminate the classic “for sale” sign from your toolbox. Homebuyers looking in certain neighborhoods count on these signs to learn what’s on the market as they drive around. Make attractive signs in-line with your branding and that offer useful information, like the status of the home (i.e., for sale, open house, under contract, etc.) 

Amp up your photography and videography

A good photo or video of a property can make all the difference; even a gorgeous home makes a poor first impression if the image quality is off. Invest in professional photography and even videography (or use an application to help with the latter) to make property listings shine on social media and your website.

A virtual tour tool 

Maximize the power of your website and social media presence by using a virtual tour tool to create walkthroughs of available properties. Viewers can experience a space more thoroughly through this interactive medium, instead of just flipping through a few pictures.

Aerial photo of a person working on a laptop with a coffee to their right and a camera and color swatches to their left.

Use QR codes

Help interested parties learn more about you or a property online by strategically using QR codes. People scan these codes with their phones and get transported to a website with more information. Leverage this tool by putting QRs on signage, flyers, and even your business card.

The best real estate agents have one more tool: Titus

Titus only partners with top-ranked real estate agents to offer a unique financing tool that helps home sellers make a quick, high-value sale. Clients working with Titus partner agents gain access to closing lines of credit (CLoCs): funds for sale-boosting renovations and repairs. 

Sell your homes faster and for more by helping your clients secure a CLoC to get their property market-ready. Credit lines of up to $25,000 are interest-free and cost the homeowner nothing upfront or out of pocket. Find out how to boost your selling power with Titus here