6 Real Estate Agent Video Tips

Photo of a man taking a video in a kitchen.

If you’re a listing agent, marketing is key to your profession. You sell your client’s home when you make a buyer fall in love with it. 

Savvy realtors take an omnichannel, multimedia approach to marketing—posting text, photos, and videos on their website and social media platforms, and sometimes relying on good, old-fashioned print methods, too.

Assuming your competition has a robust real estate marketing strategy as well, you don’t just need to produce a wide range of content, you need to ensure it’s attractive and resonant. 

This guide focuses on making that kind of head-turning content in videos—one of this era’s preferred marketing consumption formats. Here are six real estate agent video tips to implement to stand out and connect with your target audience

Why you should make videos

There’s nothing wrong with vibrant marketing text or polished real estate photography—in fact, they’re part of most solid outreach strategies. 

But in real estate, video content can make a significant impact with your audience. For example, when you use video (instead of just static photos) to represent a property, home buyers get a more comprehensive sense of the space. Or, if you use video to show off your skills and successes, it’s easier to weave a compelling narrative than with text alone. 

6 real estate agent video marketing tips

Before you hit “record,” learn why video content is so important and how to make your clips impactful. The following six tips cover ways to use videos and how to focus this content for maximum effect. 

  1. Leverage social media 

So, you’re ready to film a video. But, where to post it? While videos exploring properties or sharing testimonials are great for your website or real estate listing services, you can’t overlook the importance of posting them on social media as well. 

Video content is one of the most popular social media formats. YouTube, a platform exclusively for video content, has the second-highest amount of active users of any social media platform. TikTok, another video-centric platform, is home to billions of monthly users.

According to Forbes, short-form video content is the most popular of all. Couple this data point with the fact that many home buyers use social media to explore properties and the potential impact becomes clear: short-form social media video content can generate leads and, in turn, sales. 

  1. Add video tours to your listings

Put yourself in the shoes of a potential buyer. Before setting up an in-person tour of a home, you’d want to get a clear impression of the space. Photos help, but video walkthroughs go further. Film tours that show how a home’s spaces interact, the dimension of the property, and one-of-a-kind details. 

You can also leverage user-friendly applications to make interactive virtual tours that viewers can explore at their own speed.  

  1. Film testimonials 

If you’ve ever found your eyes glazing over a text on a website or in a social media post, you’re not alone. The human attention span for this type of information can be low. But video gets into viewers’ minds a bit more easily; one statistic shows that video viewers retain 95 percent of the information they consume via this content form.

So, while some written testimonials can function well on your website or as static social media posts, consider accompanying this information with heartfelt videos from clients who enjoyed working with you. You can also create success stories, interweaving clips of a client testimonial with, say, before-and-after photos of home renovations that helped that person sell their property. The idea is to generate an evocative, moving video that’ll convince potential clients to work with you.

Photo of a mother, father, and son in their kitchen.
  1. Use video to establish yourself as a knowledge expert

Show off your professional skills by providing useful video clips for home buyers and sellers. You’ll establish yourself as a subject matter authority and give potential clients peace of mind about working with you since it’s clear that you’re an expert at your craft. Here are a few ideas for clips that highlight your knowledge and benefit your audience: 

  • Local market updates 

  • Real estate industry news

  • Explanations of real estate terminology or concepts (i.e., an introduction to interest rates or how capital gains taxes work)

  • Guides to the home sale/purchase transaction 

You’re likely a vat of information who can talk for hours about real estate topics, but remember that short videos often resonate best. So, break up information into “bite-sized” videos. For example, instead of explaining the 20 real estate terms, give a high-level look at five or do a deep-dive on one.  

  1. Make neighborhood videos

Help potential home buyer fall in love not just with a home but also with a neighborhood by showing off the spirit of these spaces in videos. 

Tour top parks, cafes, and other attractions, and try interviewing locals about their experience of their community. Weave these clips together for a compelling take on why a neighborhood is an excellent place to live. 

  1. Focus on quality 

A good video starts with a high-quality recording. Many cell phones have excellent video quality, and even professionals leverage them as tools of their trade. So, you can make a crisp, aesthetically pleasing video using your phone. Just ensure that you’re filming with enough light (i.e., do a walkthrough video of a home during the day) and that spaces are clean, organized, and decluttered so that the viewer can appreciate the home’s beauty.

Invest a few extra minutes in your video production process and transform your film by editing it to perfection. You don’t need to be a tech expert to create a compelling video. Many social media platforms have built-in editing tools and there are also a wealth of easy-to-use video editing apps for download. These assets allow you to cut and splice clips, add transition effects, put background music or subtitles on a video, and much more. Many help you correct lighting or sound issues, too, for a professional level of polish.

Photo of a computer screen with a video editing tool on it.

Video idea? Explain how Titus helps home sellers 

Titus partners with top listing agents to offer their clients a unique perk: a closing line of credit (CLoC) for pre-sale renovations and repairs. Home sellers who use credit to upgrade their home can make a quicker, more high-value sale. 

Titus’s CLoCs are zero-interest up to $25,000, and home sellers pay nothing out-of-pocket or up-front. And to access one of these credits, the homeowner must work with a top agent, which means they get another perk: partnering with someone as knowledgeable as you. Find out how to team up with Titus