Email Marketing for Real Estate Professionals: A Guide

Image of an envelope with the number one in the corner and paper airplanes flying around it on a yellow background.

In the digital marketing era, it’s easy for professionals to keep in touch with their client base and stay on top of leads. You can automate processes that once took a lot of time—like sending out notes to a mailing list—and make attractive marketing materials with user-friendly, drop-and-drag tools (no graphic design degree required).

The fact that creating marketing materials is now so agile and efficient also means everyone is doing it. Forbes cites that 81% of companies leverage email marketing efforts. If you subscribe to these types of messages, that statistic is easy to believe. Your inbox likely fills up daily with dozens of marketing emails. 

So, if you’re trying to connect with your audience, you’ll want to stand out in an inbox. Here’s how real estate professionals can create an email marketing strategy that’ll have folks opening messages, eager to read what’s inside. 

Real estate email marketing: what to send

The best content you can send your email list is useful information or messages that drive a connection. 

What’s useful or well-received varies, so before sending anything out, be sure to organize your mailing list into groups. Some messages may be right for potential buyers, while others only apply to new listing clients. Email marketing platforms allow you to segment your mailing list and send messages only to certain people, making getting the right email to the right audience simple. 

Welcome emails

Welcome notes are a great idea for new leads and clients. In this message, you can thank them for considering or choosing your real estate services and explain what to expect from the road ahead. Sign off with the best ways to contact you, and let the reader know when you’ll be in touch with more information. 

Neighborhood guides

Prospective buyers aren’t just looking for a home; they’re seeking a neighborhood that aligns well with their needs. For parents, that might mean a spot with great schools, while for others it might imply being close to nightlife or shopping. Sending out neighborhood guides is a smart way to intrigue buyers about the areas where you list homes (and show off your local expertise). 

Photo of a row of colorful Victorian houses.

Email newsletter 

Newsletters can go out to your entire mailing list, keeping them in the loop on the latest. Tell readers about local events your real estate company has been involved in, showing them how important the community is to you. Or include recent client success stories and recognitions the brokerage has earned. The idea is to send information relevant to all—whether they’ve worked with you in the past or will in the future—and that demonstrates your company’s prowess and personality.

Routinely send out a selection of excellent new listings to homebuyers on your mailing list. Seeing a few of your top properties can nudge them to click through to the website and explore the rest of your listings. Select aesthetically pleasing properties in a range of prices, so that there is something to catch every viewer’s eye. Or if you have data on what type of properties clients are seeking, you can segment recipients into lists that’ll receive a tailored selection. 

Why your real estate business needs email marketing

Statistics show that almost all businesses do email marketing. And while keeping up with marketing trends may be a good enough reason to start your campaigns, there are a few other convincing ones to leverage email.

Automation works when you can’t

As a realtor, you have plenty on your plate. Writing individual notes to new clients, folks requesting information, and past customers might not fit into your schedule. With email marketing software, you can create content when you have time and automate message sending. Write your newsletter on the weekend and schedule-send it for a future date or set up a recurring welcome note to go out to any new clients you add to your mailing list. Keeping up with messaging helps maintain connections close and your business top-of-mind among clientele.

Establish yourself as a knowledge expert

Mailings allow you to show off your skills. Let readers know about your latest professional recognition or provide them with valuable market information that establishes you as an industry authority.

You keep clients informed 

Make your work with clients a bit more streamlined by teaching them about real estate. When clients understand the market and transactions better, they become more informed participants in the home sale or purchase process. Sending out local market trends or a welcome note with “next steps” or “what to expect” are great ways to give clients their bearings. 

Photo of hands typing on a keyboard at a white desk with a plant and pencils.

Tips for sending effective email marketing

We’ve all gotten a piece of email marketing that isn’t appealing or that feels cold and impersonal. Avoid having this negative experience with your readership with the following best practices. 

Address people by name 

Email marketing platforms can insert the recipient’s name into a salutation—a nice touch that makes a message feel more personalized. Addressing the recipient by name may be especially effective in a welcome note (the reader may not even know the message is automated) and when sending out segmented information. For example, if you send out a batch of featured listings that’ll appeal to a certain mailing list segment, you might insert the recipient’s name so they sense the selection is tailored to them.

Use templates (and stick to your brand) 

Take advantage of the aesthetically pleasing templates email marketing programs offer to create high-quality mailings for any device. This software often allows you to import brand colors, fonts, and logos so you can maintain your company’s image in every mailing. Whether or not you take advantage of this feature, uphold a coherent look across emails to reinforce your brand. 

Design for mobile devices

Most people check their email on their phones, so make sure your mailings are optimized for mobile. This is generally easy to do on email marketing software as you can toggle between desktop and mobile views while editing. In the process, you’ll catch funky spacing, slow-loading images, cut-off text, and other issues that could make for a suboptimal viewing experience.

Avoid what doesn’t work

Another benefit of working with an email marketing platform is that the application gathers data on your messages’ success (i.e. the email open rate or click-through rates to your website). These metrics are golden because they tell you what messaging resonates with your audience. If very few people open emails on certain topics, you can deduce you need to optimize that type of content or scrap it altogether in the future.

Email idea? Let your clients know you’re working with Titus

One piece of news most home sellers would be excited to get in their inboxes? That their realtor can help them obtain zero-interest financing for pre-sale home improvement projects. 

Partner with Titus and offer your clients a bespoke financing option for value-boosting renovations and repairs: a closing line of credit. You’ll list a pristine property and foster a quick, high-value sale. Only Titus real estate agents have access to this unique perk. Get started here